Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What I Did Today

At the current moment of moments, I'm covered in sweat. That's right, sweat. Why you ask... well that's easy to answer. It's all because of Wii, the Wii fitness board thing to be exact. The mother got it a few weeks ago, and it is really helping us with the weight issues, but when I weigh myself it keeps saying that I'm putting on instead of losing. Bastard. But it's all in good fun.

I was working on my novel yesterday and a wonderful thing happened. I'm currently at the 290 mark, which means that my dream of writing a 300+ page manuscript will be coming true soon. Just one chapter to go... and I'm hoping that readers will come to see it as the saddest chapter in the whole thing.

Another wish that I want to come true is whether people will want to live in the universe I've created. What madness do you mean by that you might ask, well, allow me to explain. A while ago I was reading this review about Twilight (PS. I saw the movie and I enjoyed it, except for the parts with Edward and Bella- dull, but at least Robert Pattinson knows how to brush his hair).

Moving on, the review says that despite the many flaws in the series, the whole universe that it's set in sucks you in- ie, makes you want to live there and take up real estate. Well I thought that this review might have some good in it, so I picked up a copy at Borders, read the first few pages... and the guy was right. The story, Bella and Ed may be crap but the book (yes, I know it was a few pages) had that real estate affect. The review compared it with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and I'm in agreement.

That's what I want to achieve with my series, which I'm still sure I'll call "Open Hands", I want the reader to want to be in it. Live there. Have powers and be apart of the adventure. Hopefully my dear narrator The Teacher will take care of that for me, and if I'm lucky I'll have the draft finished by the end of the week. WHOO!

As for everything else that's happened... I decided that that job in Hawthorne was not for me. Seriously, I don't know why I even submitted and marketing sounds just so boring, and the guy there wanted me to come back for a half day (12:45 to 8:30) info session... in a suit. The Lightstream Sheep wears not those things called neckties- abominations more like it! Hmpf.

In addition I also went swimming, ate Doritos and called up my dear friend Degwyn to wish him a happy 21st. He was most impressed that I remembered the date (I wasn't so sure to be honest) but I informed him that I narrowed the date down using my greatest of foes- mathematics... oh, and my buddy Little One's bday. She celebrates hers a few days before Degwyn.

He was good also, and I recently learnt that he thinks that Brangelina is having sex in this new jacket he brought the other day. FREAKY.

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