Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mum's The Reason As It Turns Out

Greetinkos rare reader... I have a shocking revelation to share with you all. For me to explain this new story will require a set-up, which involves the new Star Trek movie. So, here it goes.

For a while I was a bit sceptical about the new ST movie, mainly because I was never a real big Trekkie and I like my sci-fi simplified... but the moment I heard that JJ Abrams for directing, I knew it would be good because anything he touches turns to gold... most of the time. So I was persuaded to go see it, and tagging along with me was someone whom wasn't a friend or sibling. Mum.

I asked her to go with me, and in return I have to go see Angels and Demons with her next week, which I'm not against. My reason for this is because Svnof has already been- she gave me the recommendation also, and Chappi-Clementina was against it to begin with. Sometimes I think that girl is hiding her secret sanity. Nontheless, I went to see it with Ma, and we enjoyed it very much.

The movie looked great and they did some really good casting. I liked many of the leads, especially Chris Pine and Simon Pegg who got all the good lines. I'm now convinced that James T. Kirk (Pine) is the descendent of my friend the manwhore, since the two are very much alike, especially when he was nailing a green Rachel Nichol (I think I know who I'd like to see play my protagonist Wes in an adaptation).

Other cast members I enjoyed include Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto whom is a whole lot better in this than Heroes. Seriously, Spock saved that mans career. Another cast member I liked was Winona Ryder, whom I never really expected to see in this type of film. Sure, I saw and liked her in Alien Resurrection, but she just surprised me, and she did a good job as Amanda Grayson.

With that all said, I need to move onto the more shocking part of the film, and it wasn't in it. It was sitting next to me in the cinema... Mum. Whilst the movie was running, I kept seeing Mum laugh and smile (since it was so good), but then she starts reciting the characters names once they've been said, and I wonder... is Mum a Trekkie.

I asked her quietly about if she was liking it, and she kept saying it's Sulu and Kirk and everyone... and the moment Leonard Nimoy turned up her mouth dropped. The thoughts in my head were "Oh my god, Mum's the reason I like sci-fi", but she told me after the movie ended that she watched a few episodes when she was young, whilst I'm known for following a good sci-fi from start to finish.

Anyway, she surprised me and the movie must've stuck with her because when I brought it up at Balsamic last night (we went out for dinner) she kept saying good things about the cast and everything. Really, I was shocked.

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