Sunday, July 6, 2008

Here You Are Calliope

For a while now some people have been telling to throw some art onto my blog. I've been meaning to, since my blog doesn't look too flash in the visual sense, but now I've got an image.

I originally painted an image like this for my VCE Art folio, but I realised that it would look a whole lot better done in charcoal.
I have named it Old Women in New Kenya. For my folio I decided to do cultures as my theme, and Kenya was one of them. The others included Guatemala, Italy, Thailand and Spain.
Anyway, I chose Kenya because I wanted to depict how the industrial world is taking over the country, and how it might do away with the tribal culture.
I painted these women because I decided to incorporate them into every painting that I did. The idea for these women comes from Rachel Marete, a former Miss Kenya who had this nice tattoo on her forehead. A knock-off tatt has been drawn on the middle woman's forehead too.
This is what I hope is the first of many images, and for my sister Atticus and friend Calliope, please get off my back about posting my art. It's done, and more will come. Promise.

1 comment:

K@t said...

Yes, so you have only ever made one drawing?