Sunday, July 13, 2008

No, It's Not Super Sweet... Idiots

Let's get back to the topic of crazy all right, and how it's gotten different everywhere you look. I am of course refering to that stupid MTV show Super Sweet Sixteenth, and the idiot teenagers they've got on it.

I saw a part of it today, and the boy (yes, it was a boy this time) was planning his 16th. Now this rich little punk was getting ready for the damn thing, and he got all drama queen wanker when his hair was cut too short. Oh my God! I wanted to jump in there and slam my fist into his face.

I just want to say, that show is PATHETIC. Every rich little barstard and biotch on it is so stuck up and in the end they get their own little prom which they can't decide whether to go to or not in the end. I don't even envy them, except for the part where Rihanna rocked up to one of those parties.

That's all I've got to say on the matter, that yankee rich kids are pathetic and they should be poor, or attacked by face-huggers. Whatever comes first.

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