Greetings to anyone who's reading this. I've been very busy for the past few days, what with my good self finally getting employment at a timber yard. It's been very good indeed. I do what is most likely the easiest job there... salvaging, and the workers there have been nice to me... all though I think I pissed one of them off by unknowingly taking his seat in the rec. room.
Any of the way, today I brought along my "scratch book" because I got pretty bored during the breaks, and the workers liked what I drew (ie- the image to your right). My main reason for coming up with this is because a good friend of mine, whom I shall call VeeNee, has put me to shame with her own spectacular drawings.
Now VeeNee has returned to her native Mauritius, so I'm hoping that she'll end up seeing this from her island paradise (to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if it is a paradise. I don't know that much about Mauritius, all though at one time I thought they served deep-fried swans). So, I'm hoping that VeeNee can have a look at this one, and any comments from my regular viewers (ie- Chappi-Clementina, Svnof, Janet etc.) would be lovely... hint, hint.
PS. Watching a movie by Guillermo del Toro is inspiring... Pan's Labyrinth to be extact.
Dear Brian,
I am delighted to find your drawing and am honored to see that it is especially dedicated to me. Thanks a trillion for thinking of me. The spectacular part makes me blush. I haven't drawn anything in ages and it's very encouraging to see your drawing today on your blog. It makes my hand itch for a pen, a piece of charcoal, burnt toast, anything that can make a mark on paper, he he.
I adore it down to the smallest details: the dragon-goat is awesome! It reminds me a bit of the wise floaty dragon in Neverending Story... what was she called? Love the old woman's tattoo, I want to be her when I grow up :) The whole thing is very trippy and mystical.
Deep-fried swans, bwahahahaaaaaaa!
I think it was more like deep-fried dodos, but that was a while back... when the Portugese came here the island was full of those birds whose wings were too small for their bodies, so those ravenous sailors ate them all.
I'm happy to hear that you found a job that you like, and that you're using your break time so efficiently. I have all the time in the world but I never do anything. Well, that's not exactly true, I've learned to dive in the past week and it's been mind-blowing. Had some ideas for paintings but I always end up writing them down in a growing ideas folder on my laptop instead of just sketching them down like a real artist should.
Tell me your secret.
Love your blog.
I have a blog too that I just started... there's only three posts there but you're more than welcome to have a look. And please, please leave a comment. I've never had a comment.
Big bear hugs to you.
Take care.
Dearest Minotaur,
I have returned from my bit of solitude by the sea to turn on my computer and find you have indeed been a busy boy! Chapter finished, more sketching - I'm in awe! - and you've landed a job. Well done.
And if you find out what Vee Nee's blog address is, would you let me have it as I'd love to leave a comment too. I clicked on her name but - alas - no access.
Your old buddy Janet
Hey Lightstream,
Great drawing, pity you hadn't done it in time to get it published, it would have looked great.
What's all this hint hint business? Hmm? Would you like comments, huh? Well I guess I'm leaving one now, aren't I.
I can't say for sure, but I dunno if Chibi Baby Hotaru/Rei (a.k.a Chappi) has an account, which you may need to leave comments. I dunno.
But here I am, with an account, having wrangled the computer off of my brother, and am leaving you a comment.
Are you going to the Small Press thing tomorrow? I might sms you and ask.
Minako (a.k.a Svnof)
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