Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's Like Fight Club Meets Thirteen

Greetings all. A few weeks ago my schools writing festival was on, and it was compulsory to attend. I did go, and I enjoyed it I did. Anyway, my main reason for going was to see James Phelan speak and get him to sign his books for me (which he did. Score). And on the same day, another thriller writer, Andrew Hutchinson, was talking about his book Rohypnol.

I was curious about the book, and had asked a few lady friends who had read it. They said it was good, so I go and get a copy. Basically, the book is about a gang of private school boys (probably Xavier) who go out, drug girls and rape them. Pretty taboo I thought, but I read the whole thing in about seven or eight hours, and I loved it... and was scared too.

The book was different because it's narrated through the eyes of the main character who is basically the monster. I don't come across much fiction with this premise, so it was a welcomed change. Also, it had a very dark and angry tone. The inner monologues about 'New Punk' were freaky, but good.

Another good aspect was that I didn't know whether or not to feel sympathy for the narrator, or hate him. I thought he was just naieve and willing to do anything to fit in with the cool crowd (do drugs, perve on female teachers etc.) but in the end I thought he was a bigger bad-arse than the actually bad guy, Thorly.

So those are my thoughts. I understand why some people at the festival told Hutchinson that he scared them. If I'd read the book before that day, I'd of told him the same thing... whilst getting it signed. No matter, and then I decided to add him to my list of scariest people. Hutchinson must contend with Lost and Fringe actor Lance Reddick. He is just freaky.

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