Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Conflicted

Hello again, and might I add, the weather sucks a little. Any of the ways, I am conflicted about my writing. I recently got my novel homework back from Monday Esme (I passed by the way) and I'm not really sure what to do with the novel I'm writing now. One of my thoughts is to finish it, because a few people have been gunning to read it and I don't want to disappoint.

One of my reason for this is that I rushed into it blind (aka I was writing about something that I had no personal knowledge or experience about), and I find it remarkable that I got over 300 pages written. It did work for Stephanie Meyer, so I'm not all that surprised now. Anyway, Monday Esme suggested that I treat it like an apprentice piece (I'm pretty sure she meant practice novel) and I'm starting to agree with her.

But, I'm unsure of what to go on with next. Monday Esme suggested that I write from life (which was one of my intentions in life believe it or not), and I have a few ideas, but nothing rock solid. On the other hand, I do have some ideas for speculative fiction which I've been gunning to write for years now.

One would have to be my series, which I'm going to start re-writing one of these days (the first finished draft was terrible). I figured that since JK Rowling, Philip Pullman and several American writers can come up with a series, I guess I could too. Wouldn't mind being apart of that crowd.

Another idea of mine is a science fiction storie mixed with realism. It incorporates time and space travel with a single mother desperate to be with her daughter who ages twenty years whilst she ages about seven or ten. I've been wanting to write something like this, ever since I saw Children of Men and The Fountain, and since it will focus on a time travelling woman, it might be seen as a welcome change in time travelling characters (I know The Doctor from Doctor Who travels with a lot of female companions, but they don't work the TARDIS... with the exception of Donna Noble in her last episode).

I'm looking forward to some feedback, because I'm desperate for some... and some positive feedback in case you're wondering dear sister. None of your regular judgemental s**t.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Sister's New Keeper

Greetinkos, and for anyone who doesn't know... I'm a little peeved with my sister, y'all. The reason for this is because she has a boyfriend now, and I'm annoyed because I was the last family member to find out! Dammit!

Now I don't have anything against the boyfriend. I met him on Saturday and he's a nice guy, and I liked him even more after the sister said that he wasn't a Scientologist. Thank Gawd! But I'm still dis-pleased with the sister.

I mean, who went with her to Queensland huh? Who considered writing a Lit for Children essay for her. Who unwillingly agreed to be her punching bag for years on end. It was me, and I'm the last one to find out about her new gentleman associate.

I'm not happy...

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Old Woman For VeeNee

Greetings to anyone who's reading this. I've been very busy for the past few days, what with my good self finally getting employment at a timber yard. It's been very good indeed. I do what is most likely the easiest job there... salvaging, and the workers there have been nice to me... all though I think I pissed one of them off by unknowingly taking his seat in the rec. room.
Any of the way, today I brought along my "scratch book" because I got pretty bored during the breaks, and the workers liked what I drew (ie- the image to your right). My main reason for coming up with this is because a good friend of mine, whom I shall call VeeNee, has put me to shame with her own spectacular drawings.
Now VeeNee has returned to her native Mauritius, so I'm hoping that she'll end up seeing this from her island paradise (to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if it is a paradise. I don't know that much about Mauritius, all though at one time I thought they served deep-fried swans). So, I'm hoping that VeeNee can have a look at this one, and any comments from my regular viewers (ie- Chappi-Clementina, Svnof, Janet etc.) would be lovely... hint, hint.
PS. Watching a movie by Guillermo del Toro is inspiring... Pan's Labyrinth to be extact.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Epiphany

Greetinko's to all. Yesterday was a very good day for my, because I finally wrote the best part of my novel. I'd been gunning to write this chapter since last year, so I was very pleased with myself once it was done.

The chapter involved my novel's possibly main antagonist getting what he deserved for killing a few people. One of my three protagonists shot him in the back, and another will scare him shiteless. I'm very happy.

Apart from that, I helped my Mum do a bit of gardening, which wasn't bad. I was surprised to see how many young people were buying vegetable seedlings at Bunning's on Sunday. Now I want to return and buy a fruit tree.

Another good thing happened today. The temp agency I'm registered at called with a job offer. I unfortunately did not get it because I learnt about the offer from the answering machine, and the position had been filled. Damnation! But my fingers are crossed for tomorrow.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yesterday Was The Last

Well, it happened. Yesterday was my last day of TAFE. Graduation is in a month, but I've finally finished with learning stuff... for a while. This was something I just needed to talk about (in the style of Daria). It was worth it, and now I can work on my novel a lot more.

PS. Hi, I'm Daria... go to hell.
-Jane Lane as Daria Morgandaughfer

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's Like Fight Club Meets Thirteen

Greetings all. A few weeks ago my schools writing festival was on, and it was compulsory to attend. I did go, and I enjoyed it I did. Anyway, my main reason for going was to see James Phelan speak and get him to sign his books for me (which he did. Score). And on the same day, another thriller writer, Andrew Hutchinson, was talking about his book Rohypnol.

I was curious about the book, and had asked a few lady friends who had read it. They said it was good, so I go and get a copy. Basically, the book is about a gang of private school boys (probably Xavier) who go out, drug girls and rape them. Pretty taboo I thought, but I read the whole thing in about seven or eight hours, and I loved it... and was scared too.

The book was different because it's narrated through the eyes of the main character who is basically the monster. I don't come across much fiction with this premise, so it was a welcomed change. Also, it had a very dark and angry tone. The inner monologues about 'New Punk' were freaky, but good.

Another good aspect was that I didn't know whether or not to feel sympathy for the narrator, or hate him. I thought he was just naieve and willing to do anything to fit in with the cool crowd (do drugs, perve on female teachers etc.) but in the end I thought he was a bigger bad-arse than the actually bad guy, Thorly.

So those are my thoughts. I understand why some people at the festival told Hutchinson that he scared them. If I'd read the book before that day, I'd of told him the same thing... whilst getting it signed. No matter, and then I decided to add him to my list of scariest people. Hutchinson must contend with Lost and Fringe actor Lance Reddick. He is just freaky.