Sunday, March 7, 2010

Things Have Changed

Obviously a bit has changed, like the template of my blog. I decided the brown look wasn't doing anything for me, so now it's blue. I also think I stole the idea from my friend Janet, but I'm unsure, so we'll just have to find out. What else has changed, or will change, I don't know. Maybe I just want to be surprised... but this is what I am sure of said the Professor to Maryanne.

The Oscars are on tomorrow, and with the big BIG exception of seeing Ryan Seacrest and Richard Wilkins exist, I am very excited. I'm very eagre to see if Avatar will clean up, and if District 9 will win anything because if they did I will be really, really happy. People are liking sci-fi more and more which is sooooo good, and if the was more of Tricia Helfer on the screen that would top everything off.

Um, okay, apart from the stuff above, I've started to read Dracula (giving it a second crack more like it) and I'm getting into it a lot easier. I've had my copy for years and I do appreciate a good vampire tale about sin and viciousness, which from what I've heard have dwindled since the vampire has become the subject of innocent little fantasies schoolgirls have been reading. SHIT! For instance I was over at the bookshop recently and they have a whole section devoted to vampire fantasies. It's crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm against it.

Another reason I'm reading the book is because I'm planning on writing a vampire novel, which has been a plan for many years now. My idea is simple... and sinful, and is based around a new born vampire man who is trying to figure out what the hell he is. Sort of mixed with Let The Right One In, except without the bad haircuts Swedish men have become victims off. It shall take place over twelve months as the man, whom I'm calling Ash, tries to find and establish his identity. I'm not so good at doing horror, but that's what it's going to be. None of that Twilight bullshit.

Basically my good Ash will make right all the problems Edward Cullen (or Edwart Mullen in the comedy version) caused for a generation of readers, and he will do all the women he wants, drink human blood and sleep- yep, my dead people can sleep and they don't twinkle in the sunlight. Don't know what the hell Stephenie Meyer was thinking.

And I guess that's all there is to it. Wait, my manuscript appraisal will be ready soon so I'm off to the city whenever they call and it'll be Nando's for lunch. No more chicken tandoori.

PS Oryx and Crake may not be finishable. Nothing like The Handmaid's Tale.

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