Thursday, October 30, 2008

Second Wave

Greetings good readers (whether you actually exist is still to be learnt). I have been very busy at the moment, what with end-of-year assignments to be handed in. Some of them include an annalytical essay, a short story and about 20,000 words of a novel.

Anyway, I have found the time to post a drawing I finished last week. I wanted to submit it to my schools anthology, but my teacher didn't want anything with a grey scale. Naturally, I am feeling a little peeved, but I shall bounce back.

I call this drawing "Second Wave". I got the idea from the painting "The Wave", which was painted by a Japanese artist. Sadly I do not remember the artists name, but he or she had a lot to do with this drawing. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Something I Just Did

As of late, I've been doing a little bit of drawing to pass the time, plus there's a good chance that I could have some pictures published soon, provided that other people like them enough.
Plus my good friend Calliope has been bugging me to post my art on the internet.
I have named the first drawing "Nymph", simply because it is a woman growing out of a tree. I quite like that way the black pencil in the hair stands out.
The second drawing I have named "Pigeon Boy". I got the idea for this drawing from my teacher Maria who was showing us photos of her son playing with some pigeons in Venice.
Hope you enjoy these my dear Calliope, and anyone else who will look at them... more will come soon, promise.

Needy, Ears and Dignity

This week in short story, my good teacher who I shall call Maria (How do you solve a problem like Maria?) had us talking about love. Apparently it is our theme for our next short stories, and I'm pretty confident that I'll get mine right. Anywho, she had us write out these little practises, and she thought mine was funny, yet it did not follow the guidlines of the assignment. Enjoy.

Needy coughed, 'They always take me for granted! Stuck up bastards!'

'Don't let it get you down,' answered Ears.

'No, those wankers... all of them... think that I just expect to be ignored. Nah, not happening anymore mate.'

'What're you gonna do about it?' Ears asked with as much enthusiasm to rival a teapot.

'You know what,' said Needy. 'I don't think I'll do anything.'


'That's right. Let those ungrateful idiots suffer without my divine guidence.'

'So you're basically letting 'em burn in hell... and you're gonna watch.'

'Exactly,' Needy answered, producing a cheesy smile.

'Well, sounds like you're set, mate.'

'I certainly am. Maybe, I'll even have some spare time now. A lot of spare time.'

'You gonna write that award winning novel you tell your mum about?'

'That's right. A lot of free time.'


'Hey, you wanna come out tonight? Celebrate my success,' Needy suggested, admiring himself in the nearest reflection.

'No thanks. I've got a date tonight.'

'Oooh, with who? Anyone I know?'

'You used too. Their name's dignity.'

'Oh... my... God,' Needy gasped. 'You're going out with a guy.'

His eyes lit up before sticking his head out the window. 'Ears is dating a guy!' Needy proclaimed to the streets.

'Yes, that's right,' Ears answered. 'You must feel so proud for learning such a thing.' Needy continued to call out to the streets, and Ears left the room, locking him in.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Where Do I Get My Grenades At?

Last year in novel, my teacher (we'll call him Ari) had us rewrite the lyrics of I AM WOMAN by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton to accomodate for the bogans of the world. We all had good fun, so this is what I produced.

I'm a bogan watch me gore
We drink in packs of four of more
And I know fuck all so I guess I can't pretend
'cause you've bitched it all before
When I throw up on the floor
And I can't be stuffed to clean that shit up again


Oh yes, I am wide
And it's cracksores all again
Yes, I skipped the price
But look at the weight that I just gained
If I feel like it, I won't do anything
I am bum (bum)
I am unbearable (unbearable)
I am bogan

You can slap and kick me down
'cause it's what everybody wants
More determined to demolish me dingy hole
And I come back smelling pongier
Not a genius any longer
'cause you've doubled me conviction for assault


I am bogan hear me groan
See me stand up for the court
Cos I threw me outstretched hands around your neck
But I'm still a fat yobbo
With a fat arsed way to go
Until I make my first parole

Oh yes, I am wide
And it's cracksores all again
Yes, I skipped the price
But look at the weight I just gained
If I feel like it, I won't do anything
I am bum (bum)
I am unbearable (unbearable)
I am bogan
Oh, I am bogan
I am unbearable
I am bum