Friday, October 17, 2008

Something I Just Did

As of late, I've been doing a little bit of drawing to pass the time, plus there's a good chance that I could have some pictures published soon, provided that other people like them enough.
Plus my good friend Calliope has been bugging me to post my art on the internet.
I have named the first drawing "Nymph", simply because it is a woman growing out of a tree. I quite like that way the black pencil in the hair stands out.
The second drawing I have named "Pigeon Boy". I got the idea for this drawing from my teacher Maria who was showing us photos of her son playing with some pigeons in Venice.
Hope you enjoy these my dear Calliope, and anyone else who will look at them... more will come soon, promise.

1 comment:

K@t said...

Your Pigeon Boy looks like he is looking at the sky, like he is afraid a pigeon is going to attack him.
Then I looked again and saw that he has his eyes shut and it is an unfortunately piece of fringe.