Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm Not Getting Those Precious Reading Hours Back

So I did it, I read that horrid abomination that is Twilight, and if any of you good readers have read my other postings you'll realise that I don't really care for it at all, and upon reading the excess of shite arse, my view hasn't changed. IT WAS COMPLETE SHITE PEOPLE!

Every single page was all about Bella thinking that Edward is nothing more than a god and crap, like he's the real deal. In my opinion he was nothing more than a stony-faced, sexist narcasist who thinks women can't do anything. And he collects classic cars and wears bague! I'm thinking how many girls is he pimping to afford all of this shit!

What makes me more curious is to why billions of girls around the world love this prick! Chappi-Clementina agrees with me, and she tells that teenage girls are a strange breed. NUFF SAID.

Another problem is how the villains were portrayed in it. James, Laurent and Victoria were so unjustedly under-used. Like 50 pages were given to them, and its all about James getting the chop. I actually didn't mind them. Sure, they weren't big bads like Voldemort, but they were a whole lot better than Ed and Bella.

Also, a small subplot about Alice (another vampire with visions) was included, but nothing big either. My opinion is that if the book had been about Alice and James, I think it would've been a whole lot better. STUPENDOUS! Putting it like Ian McEwan whose book Atonement I'm enjoying very much- my reward for putting up with the pre-mentioned knife in my neck.

When going through those painful 400+ pages, I kept thinking to myself "Yep, she didn't even workshop this" and "What publisher would bestow this on the writing community". My theory is that Meyer never got a teenager to critique it. Stupid woman.

However, I will end this posting with a positive remark, and that is I COULD ACTUALLY STAND BELLA SWAN. I don't love her. I won't cry if she dies (unlikely). But I can stand her. That is all ladies and gents!

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