Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And I've Been Doing What?

Merry Christmas to y'all. I've been very busy for the last couple of weeks. My time has been taken up with shopping for presents (shopping centres are hell in December by the way), starting another new novel (which I'm sure will go further than the last, hopefully) and hearing the same Katy Perry songs on the radio (she is like everywhere now).

But, I've also finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger (hope I've spelt her name right). I'd already heard about the book years ago, and I became intrigued when I learnt that it actually involved time travel, and my good friend Janet from TAFE said good things about it too.

What I really want to say is that it is one of the best re-imagined sci-fi's I've ever come across. I actually hate the author now because I want to write in the same genre, but I'm affraid that I won't be as good as her. Time will tell though. Anyway, 'tis was a bitchin' read and a special thanks goes out to Janet for getting me into it. DON'T DENY IT DEAR!

I know I'll be seeing the movie when it comes out. I'm a Rachel McAdams fan I am.
Merry Christmas people, and have a happy new year.

1 comment:

Carole Poustie said...

Ah - so you got round to reading it after all! Glad you enjoyed it. Happy New Year to you Mr Minotaur - may it be a year of great creativity and writing success!

Am off to the beach for a bit of sun and fun.

Ciao for now
