Saturday, August 9, 2008

Guitar Heroes, How I'm Not One Of Them

My good friends from school, who we'll call Ray and Joanie for this posting were having one of their get gatherings, so I decided to go. I'd missed out on the other two for personal reasons, and my other option for what to do this evening was to attend my brothers dinner thing on Russell St with his friends. Since the Church of Scientology is on Russell St I decided to attend my friends party since I'm pretty sure the church has me on one of their hit lists.

Anyway, tonight wasn't so bad. It was one of those parties where the things you don't regularly see occur, such as a rat named after Stevie Nix, a small bagpipe on the wall and a samurai sword standing up in the corner. Anyway, amongst all of that was the game that nearly everyone I know is talking about, Guitar Hero.

We were all giving it a try, and when I did it I pretty much butchered a KISS song. I was pretty sure Joanie was gonna hurt me since she's a huge KISS fan, but nothing happened. Any of the ways, I decided that this night was the makings of a good posting. Not great, but good. Also my friend, who we'll call Burt was acting like a drugged up groupie at some point, so I think that was pretty memorable too.

Good night to you good people who read my random BS.
PS. To Crazy Chik, wherever you are in the great wide Europe, I just want you to know that I got your text message, and yes, I know you pulled out your gun. Here's to seeing you on Border Patrol, because me and Svnof are looking forward to that. You'll boost ratings.

1 comment:

K@t said...

I went to Safeway yesterday and stood in the magazine aisle bitching about Tom Cruise to a complete stranger. What was the most awesome part was that she bad-mouthed him more than I did.

And why are you home from a 'get-together' already? At your age you should be loitering at Hungry Jacks or terrorising people at Ringwood Lake (ah those were the days).