Friday, January 22, 2010

My Faith Returned People!

As of this very moment, today has been a good day. A very good day, and I wanted to bring up the highlights as fast as I humanly can.

1. I figured out how to use my bloody iPod. I still can't stand all of this new damn technology, but at least I get to listen to my toonskies without going out to buy new batteries.

2. I got my job in the store at the timber yard back. Sure, I'm gonna have to put up with intrusive idiots who can't keep their ugly faces out of my business and DAMN oak, but I can do the work and I'll be losing the poundage at the same time. Sweetish.

3. TransitLounge got back to me with my third official rejection, but it was a nice rejection. They told me that they were focusing on travel books (like Lonely Planet I guess), but they also said my sample chapters were a good read. The fingers are crossed from now on!

That's all for now, that I'm happy and waiting for the next big thing to happen for me.

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