Friday, January 22, 2010

My Faith Returned People!

As of this very moment, today has been a good day. A very good day, and I wanted to bring up the highlights as fast as I humanly can.

1. I figured out how to use my bloody iPod. I still can't stand all of this new damn technology, but at least I get to listen to my toonskies without going out to buy new batteries.

2. I got my job in the store at the timber yard back. Sure, I'm gonna have to put up with intrusive idiots who can't keep their ugly faces out of my business and DAMN oak, but I can do the work and I'll be losing the poundage at the same time. Sweetish.

3. TransitLounge got back to me with my third official rejection, but it was a nice rejection. They told me that they were focusing on travel books (like Lonely Planet I guess), but they also said my sample chapters were a good read. The fingers are crossed from now on!

That's all for now, that I'm happy and waiting for the next big thing to happen for me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My First Time With Olympus, But Sadly No Persephone

Well, today meine good self and the mother went to the zoo, and we had a lovely time which could have been awesome had I remembered- wait, been told to put the better memory card in my new Olympus digital camera which I recieved for my birthday. It was a gift from Mum's side of the family, but I'm pretty sure it was just my aunt and uncle who did the purchasing. Anyway, thank you Dale and Max, but for security reasons I'll call you Daotkav (Dear Auntie Of The Kick Arse Variety) and good Auntie Maxie. LOLNESS.

Moving on, we arrived at the zoo and I wanted to start taking pictures, but after getting about two of them, I realised the grave mistake I'd made. I was pissed of course, and really really pissed because I wanted to get many, many pics of the animals. It was also a good day with many Kodak moments, so my eyes are filled with red flames at this point of time.

I eventually calmed myself down and accepted that today wouldn't have its memories in photo form, but luckily I got this one. This gorilla was sitting under its tree and looking at everyone, as do many of the earths creatures. I got myself a shot, and it was after that that I realised that it was missing one of its hands. I felt a bit sorry for him/her, getting a little Sigourney Weaver in Gorillas In The Mist at the same time. But I'm happy I got this shot because it was good and I learnt by using the zoom-in option, I'm able to get many more from this day forward. Just half an hour ago I got one of my dog Mack. Yay.

Also, I wanted to bring up that I've started penning a draft of a short story I think will be good. Not great (which would be nice), but good. It's a story of two lovers, Cheyne and Everlee, uniting after being seperated, and I'm writing it in many different scenarios or ways (whatever way you like). So far I've had them in the real world, WWII era England, and I'm working on them orbiting a blue world named Andala, amongst others.

Guess a lot of it's been inspired by the film The Fountain which I liked but nobody else did. Hoping it works out. Today at the Japanese Garden I saw all of these turtles and Koi Carps swimming up to the surface, and I decided to add them in. Should add to the imagery. A lot of fun to be had. Cheers y'all!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The 21 Effect

As my title suggests, I'm now 21 years of age, and it's a freaking wonderful experiences. YEAH! But I must confess not all of it has been primrose and daffodils. My 21st was last Saturday and everything went all right. I enjoyed myself because it was the type of party I enjoyed- completely informal, and that we got more family invitees than we did at my 18th. But a major thing that I hated about the night was how so many of my friends decided to give me the flick. Some of them had the courtesy to call up and let me down, but a lot of them decided not too. Brilliant I thought. JUST BRILLIANT!

What else is there to discuss. I got the first three seasons of 30 Rock, this hilarious comedy Tina Fey created so I'm gonna be busy for a while, and I thank the family for doing this for me. However, they got me a tone of other stuff too. Stuff I neither asked for nor really need, and that annoyed me a bit. Like how they got me the DVDs, they were set for a year. I didn't need anything else. I was just happy at that. I don't even know what'd happen if I tell them all of this.

But then there are some brighter topics to discuss, like how I watched District 9. You know, the South African sci-fi. It was brilliant and different and stepped so far out of the box. I loved it! I ordered in my copy of Oryx and Crake today, so all I have to do is pick it up and be wowed by another dystopian novel. I just wanna know what happens. And then there is the bit where the Australian Literary Agency in Sydney has agreed to look at my novel. I'm very excited, but scared. I'm really hoping that they'll take me on, because like I've said so many times before... I REALLY NEED THIS!

That's all y'all!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Handmaid's Tale

Today I finished reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, and I was really happy with it. I love the dystopian genre and how you can do just about anything with it these days, and this book is deffinately up in my top five or so. Before I offer my own personal thoughts, I'd like to thank some certain individuals for bringing my attention to this work of speculative fiction.

My good brother Babette who gave me my copy for Christmas, I pestured you sufficietly and it paid off. To my old literature teacher whom I've been calling Grace, thanks for bringing it up in class. Sadly I didn't read it at the time (all the books were optional) but if I had I would've brought so much to the class discussion. And finally to my good friend Yushka whom is a huge Atwood fan, thanks for making me aware of this genius of a woman! You've all been great.

Now, what I enjoyed most about this book was how it displayed the perspective of a female narrator and how women percieved the dystopic environment. Offred (whom is also June and Kate in the film) was just honest, fierce and tough through-out the whole 300 odd pages. I really felt her feelings when the Aunts (crusty old bitches who should die) were "reprograming" her and how she reacted to losing her husband Luke and her daughter. So much honesty, but I wanted to see more in her relationship to Nick, the underground man who saved her.

Other parts I enjoyed, but the one I loved the most was when Offred's friend Moira escaped the cruelty of the Aunts. I thought it was one of the strongest elements of the story, how she escaped and stuck it to oppression. I was a little bummed when she wound up in the brothel Jezebel's, but she seemed happy so I'm happy. The book was brilliant and I liked the final chapter where future academics are studying The Handmaid's Tale in the year 2195.

As much as it was nice learning that the oppression of the Republic of Gilead (the world America became in the book) came to an end and Offred finally got out to England, I just enjoyed the names of the professors. Atwood has a nack for creating interesting and likeable names from the smallest words in the English language, so I loved hearing about Maryanna Crescent Moon and James Darcy Pieixoto. It added a great touch to the ending.

I'm deffinately an Atwood nut, much like my good Yushka. She's got some other dystopian books out, including Oryx and Crake, and I'm gonna get a copy as soon as I can. I think I displays the male view of the future mixed with genetic engineering with animal and human DNA.

Looking forward to it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Everyone Keeps Pissing On My Waterboy!

There are way to many characters out there who can control the seas, and I am not happy with it amigos. First I had to put up with Tracy Strauss from Heroes, and now theres Percy Jackson from these yankee kids books that got adapted to the screen. I am not pleased, because I wanted to break with traditions of firestarters and throw in a powerful aquakinetic. Angry face.

Also, I wanted to bring up the issue of 3D in cinemas. I saw Avatar today for the third time (yes, that's right) and it was in the ever popular 3D form, which I have to say gave me a tremendous headache. There wasn't that much of a difference either. 2D is deffinately for me from now on, and sadly I've forgotten what else I wanted to write about. So that is all I guess.

Wait, I just remembered, I've decided to lay off Avatar until the DVD is out. James Cameron's Titanic was a massive thing for my sister Cactus Pete (who saw it four times) and Avatar is doing the same for me, but I won't be like my beloved sis. I'll either see it two more times of not at all, for I'm going to be the better human, and I won't make futile attempts at stalking the male lead either. Maybe the ladies if I've got time, but Worthington will not have to deal with me hiding in the bushes outside his window.

PS. Oh, I just wanted to make a shout out to sfauthor who commented on my last posting. You're the first person I don't know whose commented, so thank you.