Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today With Sophie And Alice

Well, today I was called in by way of a favour to babysit my friend Margit's two little dears, Sophie and Alice. If anyone is curious about my two temporary wards, they're dogs. Sausage dogs. Anyway, I come and everything is dandy... except for the part where one of them made a mess in front of the door, but that crisis was averted.

What else is there to say... oh, my interview with the pancake parlour wasn't so fruitful unfortunately. I got an e-mail from a Caroline saying I wasn't a keeper, but I recieved another call from a place I applied to in Hawthorne.

I have absolutely no idea what this company does, apart from the fact that they work with music. Anyway, they called and invited me to an interview on Monday, saying that they'd explain about the position further and that I'm one of 25 selectees from near 200 applicants. Noice.

So that's all, but I've been trying to get a chapter written and I saw the Wolverine movie yesterday. Not bad. That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Almost At 250

I've been pretty busy as of late, mainly with writing my manuscript. My dreams are coming true... I've almost got 250 pages typed, meaning that I can now focus on the fabled 300. Apart from that I've been looking around for work, using mostly. I've learnt that you don't need any experience whatshowever to be a film and TV extra, so I sent my resumes off to those places, as well as a few restaurants needing a waiter.

Apart from all that, I've just finished reading this book called Let The Right One In, written by a Swede named John Ajvide Lindqvist. It's a dark fantasy horror about a bullied boy who befriends a vampire girl. The book incorporates all of the real-world horrors one hears about, such as abuse (child, drug and sexual) and loneliness, as well as the presence of several confused and blood thirsty vampires.

I thought this was one of the best books I've ever read, not only because it's a dark fantasy (which I'm pretty fond of) but because it mixes genres together, like the real world for instance. I'm drawn to fiction that does that, like my beloved Battlestar.

They achieved that with a very saddening and dramatic miscarriage for one of Tricia Helfer's characters, Caprica-Six, amongst other things. Come to think of it a lot of bad things happened to poor Trish ie- Gina getting raped by the Pegasus crew, Natalie getting shot to death by Athena. Damn that woman can take a lot of pain.

That's all for now. I'll be writing a bit more now, and harbouring a little bit of hate for my friend Janet who's touring Paris, Mallorca and London at the moment. Lucky girl.