Saturday, March 27, 2010

Precious Little Dracula

I finished reading Dracula yesterday. That's right, I finished it at this new place I won't be working at for very long because I hate long distances and my job in genral. How I wish I was breaking rocks at a bookshop closer to home. Something I'm sure I'd love a lot more than moving around a warehouse putting little boxes away.

Anyway, I finished the book and I'm very happy to say that I could see a lot that was happening within it. That's a good thing. I saw the scenery and characters and the story was a lot more easy to follow than it was the last time I tried to read it. Having all of those different points of view worked out well also because you can hear about everything that's happening first hand.

One part I was able to see in exact detail was the night Lucy Westenra died. It was night, storming, wind, and there was Lucy with her mother about to die. A lot of action was taking place and I really saw the part where the window was thrown open and Lucy went all "Yep, I've had a good run." All was well, very happy, hope the new movie will be bitchin.

In the meantime I'm about 3/4 of the way through Push by Sapphire. I'm liking it a lot, although I'm not one for enjoying childhood brutality. Reading it is a little difficult also because it's told from the perspective of Claireece Jones who is illiterate and can't spell, but it works well. Hope Sapphire writes another novel one day.

Also I got my appraisal back from the writer's centre and it was very helpful. Hoping that will appeal to the publishers...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

She's Actually From Nepal

Back to the Priya Tsetsang thing, I was most pleased and satisfied by the episode Belonging, with the exception of Fox8 pausing and skipping little bits at the beginning, by the way, bastards. But I liked and enjoyed what I say, as well as the episode of Lost the night before entitled Dr Linus which was Ben Linus heavy. Very nice and character driven, and to see him redeem himself for letting Alex Rousseau (his daughter) get murdered by Martin Keamy. Some good things are on as of late.

Apart from that there's very little to report on, except that I'm nearly finished with reading Dracula and I should be getting my manuscript appraisal back soon. Hoping for a lot of feedback because I want my novel to be great. Not a massive fluke like M. Night Shyamalan's early movies.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Waiting For Priya Tsetsang

I'm a huge Joss Whedon (also known as God) fan, and tonights episode of Dollhouse which is named Belonging is supposed to be really good, so say the US critics who believe in mercy. When it comes to different cultures, Whedon isn't really known for incorporating Australian elements into his work (he usually does European and Asian), but not anymore.

Tonight's ep focuses on the character Sierra and her origin story. Actress who plays her, Dichen Lachman (who was some idiot on Neighbours) is a Tibet-born Aussie who is playing quite possibly the only Australian character Whedon has ever worked with, Priya Tsetsang who is getting milked- sweeeeet! There have been other Aussie elements in Buffy and Firefly, like a Watcher being killed in my capital, a demon summoning didgeridoo and the ocean world of New Melbourne, but nothing as big as Tsetsang.

I am very excited...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

IAMS: I Am My Sister

Well, today I saw Avatar for the fourth time- yes, that's right, the fourth time, and it was in 3D. Sadly the greater number of cinemas have stopped showing it in 2D, and so I had very little choice in the matter because the good mother wanted to see it, so I saw it in 3D. I was hesitant because other three dimensional films have given me headaches, but I'm convinced now that practice makes perfect.

It was good, I could see and understand everything that was happening. Vundabar! Mum enjoyed herself to, and that's led me to believe that us seeing sci-fi's together isn't so bad, after all Star Trek paid off. She even knew who Spock was after one second. That's all to report on, other than Iron Man 2 and Clash Of The Titans is on my agenda now, and the new Melina Marchetta book, The Pipers Son. It's a sequel to Saving Francesca and it's possibly told from the point of view of Tom McKee. Bring it on.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Alice Didn't Do It For Me

Tomorrow I'll be seeing Avatar for the fourth time, and so I guess I've finally become my sister, crap! But no matter, I felt I should talk about something else that was movie related, like the new Alice In Wonderland, and I feel rather confident when I say it was terrible. Really, really terrible!

The film just looked so artificial- I know it was in 3D and had to be all blue screens, but I don't care, and that's not what Tim Burton does. He always used real sets and props and that, and everything in this movie just didn't work... and then you've got the damn screenplay to bitch on about. Didn't work, and I'm confident about this because I called up my buddy Stephandra and told her that if we ever met Linda Boyd we would kill her. YEP, IT'S COME TO THAT BIOTCH!

But I will compliment one, or maybe two things about the film. All right, two. Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter kind of hits the spot with his essentricness (is that a word) and madness and instability and all that, and the Cheshire Cat was his usual lazy and laid-back self. Those things worked for me, Topsy and Ches, and that's about it.

Shall we have a bit of tea?

Monday, March 8, 2010

About Him, The Vampire

Something I should've brought up in my last posting, I've learnt of a new Dracula film to be directed by Alex Proyas, an Aussie, which will be called Dracula Year Zero, which will have Sam Worthington playing the titlular role. I was a little worried since there haven't been that many good Dracula films since Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation. However, I came across an article saying that it will be going back to the origins of Vlad the Impala, mix in some magic and not be so comercial.

When I learnt Worthington was playing the lead, I didn't know if it would be good. Others who've played Dracula in the past haven't done well, such as Dominic Purcell and Richard Roxburgh (PS Istanbul used to be Costantinople douche!) but they were in cheap looking action flicks that screwed around with the novel and myth and that's what let them down, a lot. But I must admit I had the same thoughts about Heath Ledger playing the Joker, and I was proven wrong when he wasn't slapstick or artificial, so I guess the same will happen for Worthington. Also they're both from Perth and everyone in Perth is good at doing just about anything from what I've learnt.

And finally I wanted to announce my disappointment that Avatar did not pick up the best picture award today at the Oscars. Yes, I am bummed but it got three other awards including best art direction and visual effects (of course). Also I'm going to look into seeing the film Precious: Based On The Novel "Push" By Sapphire. I've been seeing and hearing good things about it, and Mo'Nique did a good job in it and comedians playing unloveable bastards and bitches always pull it off. And a special shout out to Kathryn Biggelo, the first woman in history to win best director!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Things Have Changed

Obviously a bit has changed, like the template of my blog. I decided the brown look wasn't doing anything for me, so now it's blue. I also think I stole the idea from my friend Janet, but I'm unsure, so we'll just have to find out. What else has changed, or will change, I don't know. Maybe I just want to be surprised... but this is what I am sure of said the Professor to Maryanne.

The Oscars are on tomorrow, and with the big BIG exception of seeing Ryan Seacrest and Richard Wilkins exist, I am very excited. I'm very eagre to see if Avatar will clean up, and if District 9 will win anything because if they did I will be really, really happy. People are liking sci-fi more and more which is sooooo good, and if the was more of Tricia Helfer on the screen that would top everything off.

Um, okay, apart from the stuff above, I've started to read Dracula (giving it a second crack more like it) and I'm getting into it a lot easier. I've had my copy for years and I do appreciate a good vampire tale about sin and viciousness, which from what I've heard have dwindled since the vampire has become the subject of innocent little fantasies schoolgirls have been reading. SHIT! For instance I was over at the bookshop recently and they have a whole section devoted to vampire fantasies. It's crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm against it.

Another reason I'm reading the book is because I'm planning on writing a vampire novel, which has been a plan for many years now. My idea is simple... and sinful, and is based around a new born vampire man who is trying to figure out what the hell he is. Sort of mixed with Let The Right One In, except without the bad haircuts Swedish men have become victims off. It shall take place over twelve months as the man, whom I'm calling Ash, tries to find and establish his identity. I'm not so good at doing horror, but that's what it's going to be. None of that Twilight bullshit.

Basically my good Ash will make right all the problems Edward Cullen (or Edwart Mullen in the comedy version) caused for a generation of readers, and he will do all the women he wants, drink human blood and sleep- yep, my dead people can sleep and they don't twinkle in the sunlight. Don't know what the hell Stephenie Meyer was thinking.

And I guess that's all there is to it. Wait, my manuscript appraisal will be ready soon so I'm off to the city whenever they call and it'll be Nando's for lunch. No more chicken tandoori.

PS Oryx and Crake may not be finishable. Nothing like The Handmaid's Tale.